Monday, January 8, 2007

Searching for Truth

Searching implies an active, engaged pursuit of something. A person involved in a search is consumed with wanting knowledge, information and direction. Other tasks are set aside to look for what we are hoping to find. Searching for truth in the Bible is an overwhelming and daunting task. Not to be taken lightly and not to be minimized. The more we try to define the God we seek, the smaller He gets, until we fnd what we're looking for in the shape of what we have made it to be. Too often, we sit back and wait for God to beat us on the head with His truth. We ask for signs from heaven, voices in our dreams or nifty cliches on billboards to help us along. We want Him to do the work of proving Himself to us.

To aid us on our quest for truth, there are thousands of books to read written by others on the same journey. Some profess to have made it to the end, and thus spout platitudes from their mountain top. Others are full of fluff, lacking the substance gained from years of searching. Commentaries, lectionaries, dictionaries, workbooks, videos, chants, opinions and thoughts on paper. All wonderful tools to aid in the search, but take care that you are not searching these books for the truth of the Bible. For only in the Bible will you find that.

Be prepared to find things in your search that you may not like. Open yourself to changing an opinion or view you already have. You will never find all the answers to the endless questions. If you did, you would be God, and therefore not need faith. And you certainly need faith in the search for truth.

Searching for truth in the Bible requires some outside support. Latching yourself to a person or group of people further down the road of discovery is essential. Allow them to teach you and guide you. Allow them to discipline you and love you. Be honest with them, and you will find that you will mature into knowing the truth about yourself as you search for the truth in God's Word.
I doubt we will, any of us, ever find truth completed in the written canonized Word of God. It is truth in itself, if you accept that with faith, but it is not over. Rather, in the search for truth, we will find God. In his fullness and majesty. We will make a great friend, find a fair judge, dwell in the shelter of his grace and sleep in the arms of his love. And we will never, ever tire of the search. We will know truth personified.

Copywright 2006-2007 Audrey Gilger/Divine Graffiti

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